Bermuda Triangle Cadet, Riviere
X4 Comical Rainee
X4 Cooking Caspi
Drive Quartet, Bubblin
X4 Drive Quartet, Flows
X3 Drive Quartet, Shuplu
X4 Mermaid Idol, Elly
X4 Mermaid Idol, Riviere
X4 Mermaid Idol, Sedna
X4 Pearl Sisters, Perle
X2 Girl's Rock, Rio
X4 Pearl Sisters, Perla
X4 Super Idol, Riviere
X2 Rainbow Light, Carine
Top Idol, Flores
X4 Top Idol, Riviere
First is our starter, Bermuda Triangle Cadet, Riviere. The very first of the 3rd Generation Ride Chains, she has 2 starter skills. As her first, she can search the top 7 cards of your deck for her Grade 2 and 3 forms if the Grade 1 form is successfully ridden on top of her. If anything other than her Grade 1 form rides her, she's called out to the Rear-Guard, so she has the most security of all 3 to atleast get something out of it, even if she's the least consistent. Meanwhile, this deck works best with the Vanguard attacking first, so Stand Triggers can't fit in. Thus, 7 Crit 5 Draw comes into play.

Elly is our Perfect Guard. Question it and I will feed you to the sirens.
Riviere is our somewhat obvious ride chain card. She provides a solid 7K boost that allows the Grade 2s in the deck to hit decent numbers. What really makes her special though, is her ride chain skills. For a first, she has 8K defense when successfully ridden over Cadet Riviere, giving you a second optimal ride within the deck. Then, when you ride her Grade 2 form over it, she'll give you an extra draw. Maybe tied to Sephirot or the Raptor series, this makes her ride chain skill probably the best out of all the 3rd Generation Ride Chain skills. In return however, she demands a bit more space than this deck should be supplying, however the Grade 0 form helps with balancing the ratios.
Sedna is the Vanilla unit, and because many people like to use Rio and have decent early games, I say it's very necessary to the deck.
Finally, Perle is a special card. Comboed with Perla, their skills create one of the greatest pressure-reward systems in the game. If Perla does hit with Perle's tack on skill, Perle will fuel your soul and let you draw an extra card. Just pure advantage or pressuring the opponent, they just work incredibly well in tandem with eachother.
Girl's Rock, Rio is one of our 2 main card advantage engines. Sadly though, she can only be ran at 2 due to the space this deck demands. She sports 8K power, so she's probably not the best ride ever, but in return Riviere has a bit more ride security to avoid this. Her skill is that when she is bounced, you may Counterblast 1 to draw 1 card and soulcharge 1. And what cards happen to bounce this? Introducing Perla.
Carine's skill is...exactly the same as Rio's. Awesome, another card that can net you raw advantage. Let's not repeat this and move on.
Finally, our boss is Riviere. It's no DOTE, but it's pretty damn close. Her skill is actually quite similar to Stern Blaukruger, just doing the same job in a different way. Instead of threatening to kill off the opponent by shoving them into high damage with an extra attack, she instead pushes your Rearguards into ungodly numbers that the opponent wouldn't think twice about guarding, and pushing the pace of the game right under their noses. To a blissfully unaware opponent, Riviere is basically a silent killer to them. More on her potency to be explained later. She also sports 11K defense when the Grade 2 is in soul, something great for the long run if I don't say so myself.
How the Deck Works
As usual with all breakdowns, the explanations.
First of all, little link to a past article. Study up, and learn the consistency of these kinds of chains.
First of all, we have the Pearl Sisters and Flores playing recon, poking at the opponent and trying to compromise their hand, but the real prize gimmick with them is how forgiving they make the ride chain. Even without the Ride Chains Skills, between Rio, Perle, and Carine, the deck still has an amazing advantage engine that can push you far ahead in a match. This alone can easily make up for possible advantage lost from missing the Ride Chain, so the deck can still perform well even without riding up correctly. In fact, one shouldn't even think of missing the Ride Chain as a loss, it really should be viewed as running the Ride Chain for the chance of even more advantage. Another reason why this ride chain performs well even without riding up is because the Grade 0 has 10K shield. When comboed with bouncers, this provides much more defensive value than that you get from almost every other starter, even matching up with Tachikaze's Dragon Egg.
First of all, why the Persona Blast is such a threat. Image it, the opponent has one 21K and one 26K Rearguard columns on their field. You're at 3 damage. Would you guard it? Heck no, that's 2 cards per guard while you're not at high damage, so you'll just take it. You draw to begin your turn and you realize, you're at 5 damage, you're losing. That's the sort of performance Riviere can give.
X4 Pearl Sisters, Perle
X2 Girl's Rock, Rio
X4 Pearl Sisters, Perla
X4 Super Idol, Riviere
X2 Rainbow Light, Carine
Top Idol, Flores
X4 Top Idol, Riviere

Elly is our Perfect Guard. Question it and I will feed you to the sirens.
Riviere is our somewhat obvious ride chain card. She provides a solid 7K boost that allows the Grade 2s in the deck to hit decent numbers. What really makes her special though, is her ride chain skills. For a first, she has 8K defense when successfully ridden over Cadet Riviere, giving you a second optimal ride within the deck. Then, when you ride her Grade 2 form over it, she'll give you an extra draw. Maybe tied to Sephirot or the Raptor series, this makes her ride chain skill probably the best out of all the 3rd Generation Ride Chain skills. In return however, she demands a bit more space than this deck should be supplying, however the Grade 0 form helps with balancing the ratios.
Sedna is the Vanilla unit, and because many people like to use Rio and have decent early games, I say it's very necessary to the deck.
Finally, Perle is a special card. Comboed with Perla, their skills create one of the greatest pressure-reward systems in the game. If Perla does hit with Perle's tack on skill, Perle will fuel your soul and let you draw an extra card. Just pure advantage or pressuring the opponent, they just work incredibly well in tandem with eachother.

Perla here serves as our main pressure system within the deck. Her skill gives this ride chain even more security by turning that 4K booster that's down on it's luck into a 10K shield in your hand. Yay for not wasting cards! She also serves to synergies well with Rio, Carine, and Perle. She can also help fix derpy fields, if something somehow manages to happen, and allows the rest of the deck to flow.
Finally, Rivere's Grade 2 form enters the scene. Rivere is a 10K Vanguard when ridden over the Grade 1 form, and thus becomes one of the better defenders you can be using. And, if she's ridden over by her Grade 3 form, you can draw another card from her Ride Chain skill. Yay for practically free draws~

Flores here acts as another Perla for the deck, applying some good pressure where it's needed. I'm not running more because, well first of all so I don't have more bouncers than I do bounce targets, but also so I can keep track of my resources. Please note that Flores can only justly bounce once less I risk Riviere's 11K defense. Nonetheless, a decent back-up ride and more pressure for the deck to perform with.
Finally, our boss is Riviere. It's no DOTE, but it's pretty damn close. Her skill is actually quite similar to Stern Blaukruger, just doing the same job in a different way. Instead of threatening to kill off the opponent by shoving them into high damage with an extra attack, she instead pushes your Rearguards into ungodly numbers that the opponent wouldn't think twice about guarding, and pushing the pace of the game right under their noses. To a blissfully unaware opponent, Riviere is basically a silent killer to them. More on her potency to be explained later. She also sports 11K defense when the Grade 2 is in soul, something great for the long run if I don't say so myself.
How the Deck Works
As usual with all breakdowns, the explanations.
First of all, little link to a past article. Study up, and learn the consistency of these kinds of chains.
Alright, so now you realize why this deck needs a bit more fluff than usual in order to make up for those 2/3 games.

On to performance. Because despite the security and raw advantage the deck creates, you really want to know how much bang you get for your buck.

Riviere is not...scary. It's a sad fact when it comes to people who don't understand Riviere, or think too much about how it's an on-hit skill. That's your weapon. Heck, even against people who do comprehend Riviere, it still works in your advantage. Let's just think back to that last paragraph and explain it a bit. It's simple really. Would you guard for 15K while you're at no risk of losing? No? Okay, you're not stupid!
Now, Riviere is attacking you while you're at 2 damage. On hit, you hit 3 damage, and they Persona Blast. Now one of their rearguard columns hits for 21K, and another at 26K. Do you really think you'll guard those out? Yes? Lose hand advantage and give the opponent the upperhand. No? You're now at 5 damage and losing, meanwhile facing a Bermuda Triangle deck which will almost always win the advantage race. It's this kind of subtle threat that the opponent just won't consider, that kind of early game play that propels you way ahead in advantage. And unlike Stern, isn't nearly as risky in some aspects. Especially in the pure, raw advantage that you can't normally find in anywhere else. Even Oracle Think Tank can have a hard time keeping up in raw advantage. So there you go cardfighters, another amazing midgame deck that can easily move the pace of the game in your favor.
I read somewhere that Bermuda Triangle units were the equivalent of sirens, deadly beauties who would often kill sailors before their prey even knew it. Funny how that relates...
No and yes.
ReplyDeletePerla dodges these because drawbacks because Perle, Rio, and Carine have skills to Soulcharge, basically reloading the soul for more shenanigans.
Flores however, yes is a much more risky card, as she will end up Soulblasting more than you can Soulcharge. However, between playing as a back up ride or method to bounce, and that she is only ran at one, it's simply taking the reward for those risks.
Of course, you could just not soulblast every single time Flores hits.
i use the same decka s you except i run 8 crits, 4 heals, nd 4 draws. Grade1: 4x elly, 4x rivere, 2x perle, 4x sedna, Grade 2: 2x aqua, 3x flue, 4x super idol rivere, 2x pearla. Grade 3 i rather goes with 4x top idol rivere, 2x top idol, pacifica, and 2x ceram. Works pretty good against many decks if you use it rite defeated my friend's ott
ReplyDeleteRiviere is just an on hit soul saver dragon am i correct in this? that's not very good considering you both have to counterblast and rely on your opponent letting you hit
ReplyDeleteIt's Bermuda Triangle, I'd be shocked if you were already using up a lot of Counter-Blasts. Because of this in mind, and that being an on-hit makes Riviere a pressure Vanguard otherwise, I can't say I agree.
DeleteRiviere still does the same thing as soul saver dragon for pretty similar costs. Except one of them is conditional and the other one is unconditional.
DeleteAnd saying "being an on-hit makes Riviere a pressure Vanguard" and suggesting it's better is a bit.....doubtful.
Your opponent could always ignore guarding it and it'll be the same as if you played soul saver dragon. Or your opponent could guard it (which they're incentivized to do anyways) and Riviere might as well have no ability.
I never suggested its better, but being a pressure Vanguard certainly should not be downplayed. As you said, if the opponent simply ignores its skill, I might as well be using Soul Saver. However, if the opponent is under threat of its skill, then they must take the resources to guard out the attack. Because the late game rolls to about turn 5, and because I already have an article on pressure Vanguards noting how guarding for 15K is virtually a -1 for whoever's guarding, and because the opponent is literally putting 2/3 of their resources into guarding and thus can't expend too much for much else, and because the late game will roll around by about turn 5, giving 3 turns to facilitate this advantage, I certainly do not agree that Riviere's "not very good", as you said.
DeleteYou do realize when i said "not very good" I was referring within the context of soul saver dragon, right? In fact all comparisons of good, bad, etc has to be with a context to even make any sense.
DeleteSure they do, except that you're comparing two different cards with two completely different methods of working. That's like comparing Spectral Duke with Stern Blaukruger, like comparing Maiden of Trailing Rose with Dragonic Overlord the End, like comparing apples to goddamn oranges.
DeleteBut if you're really a retard who wants to follow through with this argument so badly, notice how Soul-Saver Dragon takes a card from your hand (to ride) and costs 5 soul to activate. Notice how Riviere takes a card from your hand and costs [4 soul] to activate. Under the context that they both have the same skill, Soul Saver Dragon is in fact more expensive than Riviere.
Which is to be expected, because Riviere isn't as reliably suited as Soul Saver for both not having the searching capabilities or having full control over its skill. Instead however, it has an on-hit skill, and if we can both agree for a moment that its skill is at the very least threatening, then we can both agree that it is a pressure Vanguard as well. I already have an article detailing how on-hit Vanguards work, and how they're virtually a +1 each time the opponent has to guard them in the midgame. Along with other disadvantages like literally burning 2/3 of the cards they generate just to keep Riviere at bay, and stretching their guard so thin that they may end up taking /more/ damage per turn than usual if they can't double up on Rear-Guard attacks, all Riviere would need is two turns to generate a +2, akin to that of Soul Saver Dragon if you spread out its boost evenly across a mostly vanilla board. The thing is though, the late game will generally start around turn 5 if all things are kept in check, meaning that from the start of turn 3, I actually have 3 turns to bully my opponent with Riviere's skill. This would mean I actually gain a +3 while forcing 15K-30K more shield than normal (depending on how you look at an on-hit) which I'm pretty fucking sure can do a good job at keeping pace under the context that we're comparing it to Soul Saver, who generates a net +2 at most while forcing 15K more shield.
So what about running prism image vert? I figure hitting at the opponent with 25-29k without drives would force at least 2 cards for the perfect guard, a 3 stage guard, or if your lucky they'll take a hit to try guarding the other 2 rears where they wouldn't have triggers (Assuming they want to avoid as much damage as possible with chance).
ReplyDeleteIf I do so recall, Vert was not released yet at this time.I believe it was released in Dazzling Divas (2013) whereas this article as written in 2012.